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Glass, New to One of a Kind

M.A.D. by Merritt

Bright, unique, beautiful, quirky MADness

M.A.D. is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio where I, Merritt create unique handblown glass, watercolor drawings, witty handcrafted cards, custom paintings and offers glassblowing experiences. I attended the Art Academy of Cincinnati and graduated in 2012 with a BFA in painting and a minor in sculpture. The summer after graduation I started to attend art shows around Cincinnati and knew that M.A.D. had just planted its seed. Each year since, seems to be getting better and better. In 2016, I built my very own hot shop in my backyard and thats where, Mushu the Dragon has been helping to create beautiful handblown glass pieces for the world. This past August I have jumped both feet into my art at a full time position and can’t be an happier!

MAD thanks