Attendee grants MMPI the right to use Attendee’s name, likeness, and image, including but not limited to photographers or videos at the Event, to use for marketing purposes on MMPI’s website, social media and in printed materials.
MMPI reserves the right to prohibit registration or attendance to the Event of any attendee for any reason.
Attendee expressly assumes the risk of attendance and releases MMPI and any affiliated entities from any and all risk, liability, claim, or demand or whatever nature, actions and causes of action, damages, costs, losses, attorneys’ fees, injuries of any kind, and compensation for damage, injury, illness (including any virus or communicable disease) or loss to person or property resulting from Attendee’s presence or attendance at the Event
theMART is following the safety guidelines provided by the state and city regulations to facilitate a safe and healthy event. City and state guidelines are updated frequently. The most up-to-date information can be found here: