Painting, Woman-Owned
The Vine Paint Co.
Cutsom watercolor and DIY kits
I’m Elisabeth Haskins, the maker behind The Vine Paint Co. I currently reside in Geneva, IL with my husband & two children. Our family has been gifted the ability to travel the world because of the sport of ice hockey & I’ve learned to lean on creativity when embracing all the opportunities (and changes) our family goes through. A few years back, while living in a small town in northern Germany, I found a deep love for watercolor & am now filled with joy when getting the opportunity to share a story through paint. I find watercolor has helped me tune out some of the world’s noise and cultivate moments of pause and rest within my routines. My deepest hope is that you too can experience that whenever taking the opportunity to create. Most of our DIY kits and workbooks are of beautiful locations across the globe in hopes that it can bring about a sweet memory to cherish or a desire to explore more.