Patricia Roberts
Oil & cold wax originals
Lowell, IN
My abstract art is intuitive, colorful, and playful — with depth and intention. Cold Wax is a magic medium which makes oil paint translucent. Layers are added, subtracted, manipulated. The process continues until the painting lets me know it is done. I am not looking to create an image — I am searching for a feeling. I am creating in the most open-minded, open-hearted way that I can. I am a self-taught artist. My painting became a lifeline for me after my retirement in 2019 and during the pandemic. I painted in order to save my sanity. I was compelled to put my feelings into colors, lines and swirls. I have studied this medium for years now. Oil and Cold Wax painting has become a passion and a necessary outlet. I hope you will feel my spirit connect with yours when you see my work.