One of a Kind Show

Painting 2-D

Evelyn James

My name is Katie Gohsman and I am a watercolor and oil artist. Evelyn and Finley are the heart and soul behind what I do... they are our kids. I am 35 years old and grew up outside of Buffalo, NY. I studied art in Denver, CO where my love of hiking, fresh air and beer flourished, and currently reside in Oconomowoc, WI. My husband, Jimmy, is a founder and the Brewmaster of City Lights Brewing Co. in Milwaukee, and he is my daily motivation and proof that it is possible to chase -and live- your dreams. Through the vulnerability of painting, I am greatly rewarded by true self expression laid out on to my canvas and find myself excited and humbled to share my works with others.
Evelyn James
Evelyn James
Evelyn James Evelyn James
Evelyn James Evelyn James

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